Difficulties (Award-winning article)


The difficulties you encounter in your life are not supposed to torture you, but a reminder to let you know that you have some unfinished life lessons to which you need to address, it simply means you have not yet transcended a particular test life has to offer you.

Whenever you encounter difficulty in life, the first thing that you would say to yourself is “Thank you", for life is finding a way to bring you an experience you need at a deeper level.

See difficulty encountered in life as catalyst to examine inwardly your state of being so that you can choose again to change your perspective and attitude towards a particular situation you labelled as suffering.


Source of award : http://thepublicblogger.com/2013/12/30/the-2013-season-ending-show-bridges-and-thepublicblogger-awards/

Look for & click the image under The 2013 Nominees Best Self-Help Blog or Post after you enter the webpage above


Difficulties (Award-winning article)” 有 18 則迴響

  1. My first response to difficulty is typically: “Oh, Sh*t." But when I calm down and remind myself of the opportunity to learn and transform (as you suggest), the whole scene changes immediately. Well said.

  2. Thanks for your comments.

    Truth can always stand the tests of the most doubtful mind. Simply taste it and you will really feel the transformation going on within you.

  3. Very grateful to receive the award for the best self-help post, the joy is beyond measure. Taking this chance, I would like to thank you, Kendall and all the other judges for selecting my post about shifting perspective in face of difficulties in life. More, every one of the nominated posts in this category is indeed all masterpiece to me which equally deserves the honor and the joy of this award, my admiration and appreciation to all of them.

    What I shared in this post is an experience really works for me and I am sure for everyone else too. The point is, we can all help ourselves without depending on anything external for happiness, the wisdom is already within.

    Great to be part of thepublicblogger neighborhood, I love you all with all my heart.

  4. Great post and congratulations on the nominee, and win!
    There’s a great quote my Meister Eckhart that says, “If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life, is ‘Thank you,’ that would be enough."

    Gratitude is indeed the attitude, because every blunder, mistake and tragedy carries within it the seed of something greater. Every “bad" thing that happens is a sign post in the forest of confusion to help you find your way, to let you know you want this, not this.

    Happy new year and congratulations!

  5. Thank you so much for your comments. We are sharing the same truth from different focal points and lens, thank you for being you. Many awakened individuals around the world like yourself are devoted to bringing the moment of mass awakening into being. Let’s be the change ourselves to trigger the changes of the big picture.

    Have a wonderful 2014!

  6. I had a wrenching challenge last weekend. I felt trapped. My emotions heated up. Somehow, I remembered to be thankful for the situation. That was when I realized that this was the kind of thing that journalists live for. I got out my pen and paper and began writing. I felt empowered, and found a way out of the trap.

    Thank you for giving me another perspective: it was an unfinished life lesson. That, too, is empowering.

  7. Thank you for your comment.
    Life is good no matter what appeared otherwise. A shift of perspective will help you see beauty in situation your mind labeled as cause of suffering.

  8. Thank you. In face of difficulties, we can choose to be positive based on our knowing that they are actualy some life lessons playing the roles of catayst for us to look at our life differently, thus getting us out of the rigid thoughts that encage us.

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